

  • Primarius (688206.SH)

    Primarius is a global competitive EDA company
    Committed to delivering Innovative DTCO EDA solutions

    We strive to accelerate time-to-market and enhance the YPPA of circuit designs and manufacturing,
    by providing innovative Design Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO) EDA solutions and unique data-driven approaches.
    Our industry-leading design enablement technologies cover semiconductor parametric testing,
    advanced SPICE modeling, PDK and standard cell library development.
    We leverage cutting-edge SPICE/FastSPICE simulation technologies and a flexible custom design platform

    to establish a complete DTCO-enabled custom design flow for complex Memory, Analog, and Mixed-signal designs.

    Global Offices

    Shanghai Zhangjiang

    9/F, Building 4, No.26 Qiuyue Road , Zhangjiang, Pudong District, Shanghai

    Shanghai Lingang

    T3-603 Lingang Innovation Crystal Building, Shanghai


    418, Building A, No.18 Kexue Road, Guang Zhou


    ????? ??? ??? 128, C? 711,712,713?


    ??? ??? ??? ???201?? 11, ?? ???? 632?

    Beijing Chaoyang

    B12B Universal Business Park, No.10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

    Beijing Yizhuang

    No.901, Building 8, Yard 10, Kegu 1st Street, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, Beijing


    Room 2201-1, Building 3, Zone 1, Hanyu Financial Business Center,No.7000 Jingshi Road, High-tech District, Jinan, Shandong


    12 Woodlands Square, #14-71/72, Woods Square Tower 1, Singapore 737715

    San Jose

    Suite 140, 2025 Gateway Place, San Jose, CA 95110


    13F-6, No. 120, Sec. 2, Gongdaowu Rd. Hsinchu, Taiwan 30072

    Global Sales
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